Hey guys! Or at least anyone who has seen my page and art so far...
The two pieces of art I have on my page right now are a bit older than what I'm doing right now. They were from a few months ago when school started actually so they don't exactly show what I do now but they are good enough for now I think. I have a ton of pieces I want to upload soon but it's a little hard since I don't go on the computer all that much due to my brothers hogging it all the time and my poor addiction to youtube xD
But I do want to put more up for you guys as well as some animations I'm working on at the moment. So once i get those up hopefully i will have delved into this site a bit more.
A friend in my audio video production class actually reccomended this site to me and I'm already thanking him for doing so! I am still really new but I happened to catch the eye of a user on here (I think its a group of guys) who do art critiques and they did a livestream yesterday (or when anybody reads this two days ago) but anyway, I'm really thankful! I have a couple views on my works on here already and to be featured on a livestream no matter how lame or great it is (I'm not sure if they are good or not so just to let Everybody know I am not bashing them nor praising I am in the middle because *points to self* NOOB) it just makes me happy either way thatvmy name is getting out there. i think the name is NG Art or "we crit your sh**" or Art 101 whatever it is its one of those! (and they liked it xD)
So thanks for reading guys. I'm sorry this is soooo long but I tend to go on and on sometimes. ....thanks again! p.s. sorry if there arespelling mistakes my phone goes on the fritz sometimes .-.