So I haven't put much anything on here lately. Why you may (or may not) ask?
Well I've been more busy on writing than anything! I started another story two days ago and I'm really into it! I've been coming up with so many ideas for it as well as trying to find inspiration for my more popular story.
It's kinda sad that not more people consider writing as art, because in a way it is. It isn't something you can simply draw or see or listen to or watch. Art tells a story, and that's what writing is. Telling stories to entertain us, which is what art does. And, just like drawings or music or games or movies, some are better at it than others. I've been writing and drawing my whole life and I only strive to get better and I'm currently trying to improve my writing abilities since I'm usually so dedicated to my art.
So if you have the time, please go check out my writing at Wattpad. The link is in the "websites" area below my icon/stats thing but I will also put it at the bottom of this post if you can't find it there. I'm sorry if seems like I'm asking a lot, which I might be I don't know, but it would really mean the world to me if you at least looked. I think that would be good enoughto know that people are at least looking through my outlets for story-telling.
Thanks again and I hope to hear from some of you guys even if it's criticism.
-TLex ♥
P.S. the picture is of my most popular story